Song CSA

This small community of people listens and engages regularly with my work, sometimes even as collaborators!

CSA stands for the Community Supported Agriculture programs after which this program is modeled. Through those, people bring home fresh vegetables consistently and support local farmers.

I want song to generate liveliness in those who listen like the food from local farmers can nourish. If you join, you can expect:

  • songs centered on a monthly theme, sent to your email inbox
  • recordings from home and in novel settings, sometimes with collaborators
  • a little imperfection like the dirt on some kale, always fresh
  • my readiness for my work to be impacted by your responses and inspirations.

This program doesn’t cost anything to join. (However, donating to support my musical work is ever welcome.)

Please sign up here, for free, choosing a frequency that works well for you! I am pleased to have you in my musical community! Please write with questions at